Treatment of CANCER

    Treatment of CANCER 

Cancer is a complex illness that can affect different parts of the body and is caused by various genetic and environmental factors. Unfortunately, there's no cure for cancer and the treatments depend on the type, stage, and location, of cancer and a person's overall health. The main treatment options include surgery to remove a tumor or some surrounding tissue; radiation therapy using high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells; chemotherapy to use drugs to end cancer cells; immunotherapy with drugs to activate a patient's immune system against cancer; targeted therapy using drugs that target mutations driving the growth of cancer; and hormonal therapy to target hormones fueling certain types of cancers. A physician team including oncologists, surgeons, and radiation therapists usually determines treatment plans. There are also supportive therapies like pain management, nutritional support, and psychological support for improving patients' lifestyle quality. It's important to stay up-to-date on new treatments due to ongoing research in this field. Additionally, it's recommended to have routine check-ups and screenings for early detection and prevention of cancer.