How Broccoli cure cancer

How Broccoli cure cancer 

Eating broccoli is a great way to reduce your risk of getting cancer. It’s a powerhouse of cancer-fighting compounds and contains glucosinolates which break down in the body forming indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, two active anti-cancer compounds. Studies have shown that sulforaphane can help protect cells from DNA damage, slow down the growth of cancer cells, and even induce cell death in cancer cells. Additionally, it is high in vitamin C and beta-carotene which reduce risk by shielding DNA from damage and it's packed with antioxidants which reduce damage to cells caused by free radicals. Research even suggests that broccoli extracts may protect against breast cancer; Italian researchers found that combining cauliflower juice with breast cancer cells caused a decrease in growth and an increase in apoptosis. Another study published in the International Journal of Cancer showed that broccoli sprout extracts were highly effective in decreasing certain types of breast cancer risks. Even for precancerous conditions, such as breast precancerous conditions, broccoli extracts have been proven to aid in reducing the risk of developing cancer and decreasing the severity. So, eating broccoli regularly can help you be proactive about your health and benefit from its anti-cancer properties.